Saturday, August 18, 2007

New school year... new Journey

Here is my attempt at creating a blog...
lots of new things to learn!

I found out on July 18th that I would not be asked back to teach at Chamberlain (after teaching there for 10 years), so the late notice has made things a tad challenging. I am very sad that I did not have a chance to say goodbye to my incredible students and their families.

I have had many interviews the past few weeks (and throw in a few days of working at 6 Flags for 13 hours a day), all saying they would love to have me teach, but they had already secured their schedule, and couldn't fit me in - if only they knew about me in June, they said...!
1 Peter 3:13-17

There is an interview that looks most promising, which I will have today...
Check out their open house today from 1p-5p!
Prodigy Dance Center

Also - have you seen the recital photos I took?! I am so excited about them!
I hope I captured the joy of this event! :0)

Another adventure I started with last year will be continuing... have you seen Mad Hot Ballroom yet? You must! I will be teaching this program in 2 DISD schools and 2 HEBISD schools this semester. You can see more on the Dancing Classrooms website.

Daniel is building me a website, but it probably won't be up for a couple of months, just because the heavy photography season is about to start - you will be able to view our work at Yep - our work - I'm part of the photography gig, too! :0)

I would love to hear from you~!